SQL for Data-Science

SQL for Data-science Coursera Assignment Answers

Week 4 Coding

1.Pull a list of customer ids with the customer’s full name, and address, along with combining their city and country together. Be sure to make a space in between these two and make it UPPER CASE.


select customerid,firstname,lastname,address,city,country from customers where customerid=16;

What is the city and country result for CustomerID 16?

Answer : Mountain View USA

2. Create a new employee user id by combining the first 4 letters of the employee’s first name with the first 2 letters of the employee’s last name. Make the new field lower case and pull each individual step to show your work.


sselect c.FirstName , substr(c.FirstName, 1, 4) as FirstNameShort , c.LastName , substr(c.LastName, 1, 2) as LastNameShort , LOWER(substr(c.FirstName, 1, 4) || substr(c.LastName,1,2)) as NewID from Customers c;

What is the final result for Robert King?

Answer : RobeKi

3. Show a list of employees who have worked for the company for 15 or more years using the current date function. Sort by lastname ascending.

Code :

select e.LastName,e.FirstName,e.BirthDate,DATE('now') - e.BirthDate as Age,DATE('now') - e.HireDate as Tenure from Employees e where Tenure >= 15 order by e.LastName asc;

What is the lastname of the last person on the list returned?

Answer : Peacock

4.Profiling the Customers table, answer the following question.

Code :

select * from Customers c where c.Company is null;

Are there any columns with null values? Indicate any below. Select all that apply.

Answer : Company, Phone, Fax, Postal Code

5. Find the cities with the most customers and rank in descending order.

Code :

select c.City, count(c.CustomerId) from Customers c group by c.City order by count(c.CustomerId) DESC;

Which of the following cities indicate having 2 customers?

Answer : São Paulo, Mountain View, London

6. Create a new customer invoice id by combining a customer’s invoice id with their first and last name while ordering your query in the following order: firstname, lastname, and invoiceID.

Code :

select c.FirstName || c.LastName || i.InvoiceId as NewInvoiceId from Customers c left join Invoices i on c.CustomerId = i.CustomerId where NewInvoiceId like 'AstridGruber%' order by c.FirstName, c.LastName, i.InvoiceId;

Select all of the correct "AstridGruber" entries that are returned in your results below. Select all that apply.

Answer : AstridGruber273, AstridGruber296, AstridGruber370