Temperature_Capstone_Project By Mayank Pathak

Introduction :

The main scope of this project is to measure the temperature of a closed environment lets say we want to measure the temperature of a room.

Basically a range is fixed that is,the minimum and maximum temerature values are fixed and if the measured vaule is not in this range then the system alarms and sends a notification to the users device through SMS, email, telegram etc.

Components required to work the project

  1. Bolt WiFi Module(microcontroller)

  2. LED (generic)

  3. Buzzer-to alarm the area

  4. Jumper wires (generic)

  5. LM35-temperature sensor

  6. Breadboard (generic)

To do so you have to register at a platform called Twillio this will help us to get the notification on the device. Register –> confirm mobile number –> setup required function to carry-out –> Configure the file with the requireds private fields


Codes to implement the system

1. Config_code.py

#This code is used to config the Twillio with the device
#configurations and credential file

api_key = 'XXXXXX' # Enter your API Key used in Twillio App
device_id = 'BOLTXXXXXXX' # Enter the device id i.e. the Bolt Id
telegram_chat_id = '@XXXXXXX'
telegram_bot_id = 'botXXXXXXXX'
threshold = [206.186, 309.28, 412.38] #Change the threshold values according to your environment
frame_size = 10
mul_factor = 2

2. Main_code.py

#This code helps in main working and running of the set-up.

import conf, json, time, math, statistics, requests
from boltiot import Bolt

def compute_bounds(history_data, frame_size, factor):
	if len(history_data)<frame_size:
		return None
	if len(history_data)>frame_size:
		del history_data[0:len(history_data)-frame_size-1]
	Mn = statistics.mean(history_data)
	Variance = 0
	for data in history_data:
		Variance += math.pow((data-Mn),2)
	Zn = factor*math.sqrt(Variance/frame_size)
	High_bound = history_data[frame_size-1]+Zn
	Low_bound= history_data[frame_size - 1]- Zn
	return [High_bound, Low_bound]

mybolt = Bolt(conf.api_key, conf.device_id)
history_data = []

def send_telegram_message(message):
	url = "https://api.telegram.org/" + conf.telegram_bot_id + "/sendMessage"
	data = {"chat_id": conf.telegram_chat_id, "text": message}
		response= requests.request("POST", url, params = data)
		print("This is the Telegram response")
		telegram_data = json.loads(response.text)
		return telegram_data["ok"]
	except Exception as e:
		print("An error occurredin sending the alert message via Telegram")
		return False

def buzzer_alert():
	high_response = mybolt.digitalWrite("2", "HIGH")
	low_response = mybolt.digitalWrite("2", "LOW")

def check_temperature(value,checker):
	if value > conf.threshold[2]:
		print("The temperaure value increased the threshold value. Sending an alert notification")
		message = "Temperature increased the threshold value. The current value is: " + str(int(sensor_value*0.097))
		telegram_status = send_telegram_message(message)
		print("This is the Telegram status", telegram_status)
		if not checker:
			return buzzer_alert()
		if checker:
			return 0

	if value < conf.threshold[0]:
		print("The temperature value  decreased below the threshold value. Sending an alert notification")
		message = "Temperature decreased below the threshold value. The current value is: " + str(int(sensor_value*0.097))
		telegram_status = send_telegram_message(message)
		print("This is the Telegram status", telegram_status)
		if not checker:
			return buzzer_alert()
		if checker:
			return 0

	if value > conf.threshold[0] and value < conf.threshold[1]:
		print("The temperature value is between ",str(int(conf.threshold[0]*0.097))," and ",str(int(conf.threshold[1]*0.097)), ". Sending an alert notification")
		message = "Temperature is between " + str(int(conf.threshold[0]*0.097)) + " and " + str(int(conf.threshold[1]*0.097)) + ". Check prediction table. The current value is: " + str(int(sensor_value*0.097))
		telegram_status = send_telegram_message(message)
		print("This is the Telegram status", telegram_status)
		if not checker:
			return buzzer_alert()
		if checker:
			return 0

	if value > conf.threshold[1] and value < conf.threshold[2]:
		if not checker:
		if checker:
			return 0

while True:
	checker = False
	response = mybolt.analogRead('A0')
	data = json.loads(response)
	if data['success'] != 1:
		print("There was an error while retriving the data")
		print("This is the error:" +data['value'])
	print("This is the value: " +data['value'])

	sensor_value = 0
		sensor_value = int(data['value'])
	except e:
		print("There was an error while parsing the response: ",e)

	bound= compute_bounds(history_data, conf.frame_size, conf.mul_factor)
	if not bound:
		required_data_count = conf.frame_size-len(history_data)
		print("Not enough data to compute Z-score. Need ",required_data_count," more data points")
		check_temperature(sensor_value, checker)

		if sensor_value> bound[0]:
			print("The temperature value increased suddenly. Sending an alert notification")
			message = "Temperature increased suddenly. The current value is: " + str(int(sensor_value*0.097))
			telegram_status = send_telegram_message(message)
			print("This is the Telegram status", telegram_status)
			checker = True
		elif sensor_value< bound[1]:
			print("The temperature value decreased suddenly. Sending an alert notification")
			message = "Temperature decreased suddenly. The current value is: " + str(int(sensor_value*0.097))
			telegram_status = send_telegram_message(message)
			print("This is the Telegram status", telegram_status)
			checker = True
		check_temperature(sensor_value, checker)
	except Exception as e:
		print("error", e)

3. Pediction_code.py

#This code helps in Predicting future instance values.

# Shows up the different Plots and can able to make comparisions.

setChartTitle('Polynomial Regression');

Resutled Part of the Project is shown as Images.

  1. Screenshot of Notification received on the connected-device.
  2. ![result_1](/Temperature_Capstone/Images/result_1.jpg)
  3. Prediction of the future Instance is shown in below Provided Image.



Paper work is availabe at The IJEAT Journal

You can download the paper and view it by clicking hereπŸ”—πŸ”—

The project work is mainly to calculate the temperature of a closed environment and sends notification to the connected device through SMS, Mail, Telegram etc. only if the temperature of the region varies i.e., either the temperature increases(⬆) or the temperature decreases(⬇).

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