Temperature_Capstone_Project By Mayank Pathak
Introduction :
The main scope of this project is to measure the temperature of a closed environment lets say we want to measure the temperature of a room.
Basically a range is fixed that is,the minimum and maximum temerature values are fixed and if the measured vaule is not in this range then the system alarms and sends a notification to the users device through SMS, email, telegram etc.
Components required to work the project
Bolt WiFi Module(microcontroller)
LED (generic)
Buzzer-to alarm the area
Jumper wires (generic)
LM35-temperature sensor
Breadboard (generic)
To do so you have to register at a platform called Twillio this will help us to get the notification on the device. Register β> confirm mobile number β> setup required function to carry-out β> Configure the file with the requireds private fields
Codes to implement the system
1. Config_code.py
#This code is used to config the Twillio with the device
#configurations and credential file
api_key = 'XXXXXX' # Enter your API Key used in Twillio App
device_id = 'BOLTXXXXXXX' # Enter the device id i.e. the Bolt Id
telegram_chat_id = '@XXXXXXX'
telegram_bot_id = 'botXXXXXXXX'
threshold = [206.186, 309.28, 412.38] #Change the threshold values according to your environment
frame_size = 10
mul_factor = 2
2. Main_code.py
#This code helps in main working and running of the set-up.
import conf, json, time, math, statistics, requests
from boltiot import Bolt
def compute_bounds(history_data, frame_size, factor):
if len(history_data)<frame_size:
return None
if len(history_data)>frame_size:
del history_data[0:len(history_data)-frame_size-1]
Mn = statistics.mean(history_data)
Variance = 0
for data in history_data:
Variance += math.pow((data-Mn),2)
Zn = factor*math.sqrt(Variance/frame_size)
High_bound = history_data[frame_size-1]+Zn
Low_bound= history_data[frame_size - 1]- Zn
return [High_bound, Low_bound]
mybolt = Bolt(conf.api_key, conf.device_id)
history_data = []
def send_telegram_message(message):
url = "https://api.telegram.org/" + conf.telegram_bot_id + "/sendMessage"
data = {"chat_id": conf.telegram_chat_id, "text": message}
response= requests.request("POST", url, params = data)
print("This is the Telegram response")
telegram_data = json.loads(response.text)
return telegram_data["ok"]
except Exception as e:
print("An error occurredin sending the alert message via Telegram")
return False
def buzzer_alert():
high_response = mybolt.digitalWrite("2", "HIGH")
low_response = mybolt.digitalWrite("2", "LOW")
def check_temperature(value,checker):
if value > conf.threshold[2]:
print("The temperaure value increased the threshold value. Sending an alert notification")
message = "Temperature increased the threshold value. The current value is: " + str(int(sensor_value*0.097))
telegram_status = send_telegram_message(message)
print("This is the Telegram status", telegram_status)
if not checker:
return buzzer_alert()
if checker:
return 0
if value < conf.threshold[0]:
print("The temperature value decreased below the threshold value. Sending an alert notification")
message = "Temperature decreased below the threshold value. The current value is: " + str(int(sensor_value*0.097))
telegram_status = send_telegram_message(message)
print("This is the Telegram status", telegram_status)
if not checker:
return buzzer_alert()
if checker:
return 0
if value > conf.threshold[0] and value < conf.threshold[1]:
print("The temperature value is between ",str(int(conf.threshold[0]*0.097))," and ",str(int(conf.threshold[1]*0.097)), ". Sending an alert notification")
message = "Temperature is between " + str(int(conf.threshold[0]*0.097)) + " and " + str(int(conf.threshold[1]*0.097)) + ". Check prediction table. The current value is: " + str(int(sensor_value*0.097))
telegram_status = send_telegram_message(message)
print("This is the Telegram status", telegram_status)
if not checker:
return buzzer_alert()
if checker:
return 0
if value > conf.threshold[1] and value < conf.threshold[2]:
if not checker:
if checker:
return 0
while True:
checker = False
response = mybolt.analogRead('A0')
data = json.loads(response)
if data['success'] != 1:
print("There was an error while retriving the data")
print("This is the error:" +data['value'])
print("This is the value: " +data['value'])
sensor_value = 0
sensor_value = int(data['value'])
except e:
print("There was an error while parsing the response: ",e)
bound= compute_bounds(history_data, conf.frame_size, conf.mul_factor)
if not bound:
required_data_count = conf.frame_size-len(history_data)
print("Not enough data to compute Z-score. Need ",required_data_count," more data points")
check_temperature(sensor_value, checker)
if sensor_value> bound[0]:
print("The temperature value increased suddenly. Sending an alert notification")
message = "Temperature increased suddenly. The current value is: " + str(int(sensor_value*0.097))
telegram_status = send_telegram_message(message)
print("This is the Telegram status", telegram_status)
checker = True
elif sensor_value< bound[1]:
print("The temperature value decreased suddenly. Sending an alert notification")
message = "Temperature decreased suddenly. The current value is: " + str(int(sensor_value*0.097))
telegram_status = send_telegram_message(message)
print("This is the Telegram status", telegram_status)
checker = True
check_temperature(sensor_value, checker)
except Exception as e:
print("error", e)
3. Pediction_code.py
#This code helps in Predicting future instance values.
# Shows up the different Plots and can able to make comparisions.
setChartTitle('Polynomial Regression');
Resutled Part of the Project is shown as Images.
- Screenshot of Notification received on the connected-device. ![result_1](/Temperature_Capstone/Images/result_1.jpg)
- Prediction of the future Instance is shown in below Provided Image.
Paper work is availabe at The IJEAT Journal
You can download the paper and view it by clicking hereππ